All search results
Your search for Capital Markets resulted in 55 hits
Financial market participants -
Notification requirements and instructions for reporting short positions via FIN-FSA's e-services platform -
Regulatory framework -
Regulatory framework -
Regulatory framework -
Regulatory framework -
Legislation for central securities depositories -
FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines for central securities depositories -
Regulation -
IFRS press releases and publications -
Reporting obligation concerning the prevention and detection of market abuse -
Reporting obligation concerning the prevention and detection of market abuse -
Market soundings -
Market soundings -
Market Abuse Regulation – MAR -
Market Abuse Regulation – MAR -
Public bid and obligation to launch a bid -
Statistics on capital market actors -
Capital markets -
Key financial figures 2016–2020 -
Stock exchange and other trading venues -
Reporting and notification obligations for issuers, investors and other capital market participants -
Notification of short positions -
Legislation for stock exchange and other trading venues -
Managers’ transactions and the closed period -
Managers’ transactions and the closed period -
FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines for stock exchange and other trading venues -
Inside information -
Regulation -
Stock exchange and other trading venues -
Audit committees and auditing -
IFRS regulatory framework -
IFRS and sustainability information enforcement -
Register of prospectuses -
Offering of securities and prospectuses -
Legislation for alternative investment fund managers -
FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines for alternative investment fund managers -
Regulation -
Alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs) -
Issuer’s disclosure obligation -
Listing -
Inside information -
Notification of major holdings -
Legislation for fund management companies -
FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines for fund management companies -
Regulation -
Fund management companies -
FIN-FSA regulations and guidelines for investment service providers -
Regulation -
Legislation for investment service providers -
Investment firms -
Regulation of listed companies -
Issuers and investors -
Current net short positions -
Historic net short positions