Public notice 28 January 2013 – 2/2013

The Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority announces special supervisory measures concerning an insurance company

On 15 December 2012, the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority announced that special supervisory measures have been taken concerning the insurance company AIM Általáos Biztosíto Zártkörüen Müködö Részvénytársaság. The above-mentioned company has been prohibited from granting credit and from extending the maturity of credit already granted. The company is ordered to invest its financial assets only in bank deposits and government bonds issued by EEA countries.

The Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority has informed the public of the measures according to the Directive on the reorganization and winding-up of insurance undertakings.

The Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority hereby informs interested parties of the notification by the Hungarian Financial Supervisory Authority pursuant to section 15 a of the Act on Foreign Insurance Companies (398/1995), as amended by Act 525/2008.