Supervision release 19 January 2015 – 2/2015

Reporting applications that support COREP, AIFMD and Asset Encumbrance (AE) reporting and updated descriptions of electronic reporting published

Reporting applications

The Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) has on 19 January 2015 published in the Jakelu Distribution Service reporting applications for COREP, AIFMD and Asset Encumbrance (AE) reporting, beginning on the situation as at 31 December 2014. The downloadable installation sets also include installation and user instructions, as well as other instructions. The reporting applications are used for creating submission files to be submitted to FIN-FSA.

The required reports can be created also by the reporting institution's own methods in accordance with the descriptions of electronic reporting.

Updated descriptions of electronic reporting

The descriptions of electronic reporting include specifications based on which the supervised entities can generate from their own systems the reports submitted to FIN-FSA. One of the descriptions applies to both COREP and Asset Encumbrance reporting, and there is a separate description for AIFMD reporting.

AIFMD reporting

The AIFMD reporting obligation for the situation as at 31 December 2014 applies to entities that have registered or have been authorised for the management of alternative investment funds by 30 September 2014 and to third-country entities that have been granted marketing permission by 30 September 2014.     

AIFMD data for the situation as at 31 December 2014 must be reported to FIN-FSA by 2 February 2015 or 16 February 2015, in accordance with the applicable reporting obligation.

Asset Encumbrance reporting

FIN-FSA has on 4 December 2014 issued Regulations and guidelines 5/2014 on asset encumbrance reporting. The regulations and guidelines entered into force on 31 December 2014.

AE data for the situation as at 31 December 2014 must be reported to FIN-FSA by 11 February 2015.

For further information, please contact

  • COREP: Riku Thilman, Risk Specialist, tel. +358 10 831 5539 or riku.thilman(at)
  • AIFMD: Hermanni Teräväinen, Market Supervisor, tel. +358 10 831 5346 or hermanni.teravainen(at)
  • AE: Samuli Koivisto, Risk Specialist, tel. +358 10 831 5228 or samuli.koivisto(at)