2. 2024 in the light of statistics published by the FIN-FSA

During 2024, the Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) made 18 requests for police investigation, of which 16 related to the misuse of inside information, market manipulation and failure to comply with listed companies’ disclosure obligation. The FIN-FSA imposed a total of ten administrative sanctions in 2024, details of which can be found on the FIN-FSA’s website. With regard to requests for police investigation, the FIN-FSA only publishes the number of requests, so as not to jeopardise preliminary investigations by the Police1. The figures in the table below include FIN-FSA requests for police investigation and administrative sanctions other than those concerning the securities markets.

Table 1. FIN-FSA’s requests for police investigation and administrative sanctions in 2014–2024


Source: Financial Supervisory Authority.

The table below shows the numbers of supervision cases processed by the FIN-FSA related to securities market trading and the disclosure obligation. The table covers the cases whose investigation the FIN-FSA has, for its part, completed in the year in question. The statistics are published on the FIN-FSA's website twice a year.

Table 2. Supervisions cases related to securities market trading and the disclosure obligation processed by the FIN-FSA in 2014–2024


Source: Financial Supervisory Authority.

In 2024, the FIN-FSA investigated a total of 207 supervision cases related to securities market trading and the disclosure obligation, which is more than in the previous year. Most of the cases investigated concerned trading and, in particular, suspected abuse of inside information.

The FIN-FSA’s investigations may lead to, among other things, a request for police investigation, the imposition of an administrative sanction, cooperation with the stock exchange’s market surveillance or, for example, a request for assistance to another supervisor. The majority of supervision cases, however, are those where, based on an investigation, there is no cause for further action.

For further information, please contact:

  • Hermanni Teräväinen, Chief Supervisor, hermanni.teravainen(at)fiva.fi or tel. +358 9 183 5346
  • Sari Helminen, Head of Division, sari.helminen(at)fiva.fi or tel. +358 9 183 5264


1 On 3 May 2024, the FIN-FSA exceptionally published a release on a request for police investigation it filed concerning suspected securities market offences related to Oma Savings Bank Plc.

Next page: 3. Prospectuses and takeover bids