Reporting releaseInvitation to the introduction of the Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting portal | EBAReporting EIOPA
Reporting releaseData collections have been added to the Reporter Portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EIOPAReporting EIOPA
Reporting releaseData collection has been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBAEBA Reporting
Reporting releaseThe Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 19th of December 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBAEBA Reporting
Reporting releaseData collection has been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EIOPA EBAEBA EIOPA Reporting
Reporting releaseThe Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Tuesday 13 December 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBAEBA Reporting
Reporting releaseUpdated workbooks and instructions for the RA data collection published | National reporting (Virati)Reporting national reporting (virati)
Reporting releaseECB has published new EGDQ checksEBA DPM EGDQ Reporting
Reporting releasePresentation of the FIN-FSA’s Reporting System Reform has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)Reporting EBA EIOPA ESMA
Reporting releaseInvitation to the introduction of the Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting portal | EBAEBA
Reporting releaseEBA validation rules updated | EBAEBA
Reporting releaseCredit institutions’ branches operating in Finland must submit management letters related to the ECB’s supervisory fees to the FIN-FSA by 11 November 2022 I EBAEBA
Reporting releaseData collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority reporting system | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseThe Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 10 October 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseError in the validation service log in has been fixed | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseEBA published amended Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – DPM 3.2 delays partially | EBAEBA DPM ITS Reporting
Reporting releaseError in the Validation service log in | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseData collection has been added to the validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority reporting system | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseThe validation service will be out of service on Friday 16 September 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseSignature certificates updated in reporting encryption software and CSV-format reporting applications | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)Reporting EBA EIOPA ESMA national reporting (virati)
Reporting releasePension Funds Taxonomy version 2.7.0 | EIOPAReporting EIOPA Solvency II
Reporting releaseRecording of the presentation about the FIN-FSA’s Reporter portal has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)Reporting EBA EIOPA ESMA national reporting (virati)
Reporting releaseSolvency II Taxonomy version 2.7.0 for life and non-life insurance companies | EIOPAReporting EIOPA
Reporting releaseInvitation to the introduction of the Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting portal | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)Rapportering EBA EIOPA ESMA national reporting (virati)
Reporting releaseReporter Portal of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System has been opened | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseChanges to RA data collection | National reporting (Virati)Reporting national reporting (virati)
Reporting releaseValidation Service of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System has been opened | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseUpdated description of machine-language data transmission of XBRL format reports (EBA and EIOPA) of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new reporting system has been published | EBA EIOPAReporting EBA EIOPA
Reporting releaseDescription of machine-language data transmission in the national reporting (Virati and Vakra) of the Financial Supervision Authority’s new Reporting System has been published | ViratiReporting national reporting (virati)
Reporting releaseInvitation to a presentation on the reform of the FIN-FSA’s reporting system | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
Reporting releaseEBA published amended Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – DPM 3.2, applicable for data as of 31 December 2022 | EBAEBA ITS XBRL Reporting
Reporting releaseSolvency II DPM and Taxonomy 2.7.0 and 2.8.0 Public Working Draft versions are available for feedback | EIOPAReporting EIOPA Solvency II
Reporting releaseInstructions for Suomi.fi e-Authorizations service published for reporters | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseProposed ITS amendments on Solvency II reporting and disclosure requirements for non-life and life insurance undertakings submitted to the Commission | EIOPAEIOPA Reporting Solvency II
Reporting releaseNew FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBAReporting EBA
Reporting releaseUpdated data collection applications and workbooks for R, S and LTC data collections published | National reporting (Virati)Reporting national reporting (virati)
Reporting releaseDescription of machine-language data transmission of XBRL format reports (EBA and EIOPA) of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new reporting system has been published | EBA EIOPAReporting EBA EIOPA