Reporting release 4 March 2022 – 02/2022

Updated data collection applications and workbooks for R, S and LTC data collections published | National reporting (Virati)

The updated data collection applications and workbooks for R, S and LTC data collections concerning credit institutions are available for downloading in the Jakelu Distribution Service.

R data collection

The supervised entity must submit the R report to the Financial Supervisory Authority in accordance with the reporting map for the financial sector (solo: 201, 210; group: 205, 214, 260). Reporting always takes place solely at the level of the consolidation group or the highest reporting level of the amalgamation.

S data collection

A supervised entity which is the parent company of a consolidation group must submit the S report data at the level of the consolidation group (reporter level 205 or 214). The reporting obligation does not apply to the parent companies of sub-consolidation groups. Other supervised entities belonging to the consolidation group do not need to report the data.

If a supervised entity does not belong to a consolidation group, it must submit the S report data at the solo level (reporter level 201 or 210).

The central institution of an amalgamation of deposit banks must report the S report data at the level of the amalgamation (reporter level 260). Other supervised entities within the amalgamation do not need to report the data.

Foreign credit institutions conducting credit institution activities in Finland must submit the S report data. The data is reported at the solo level (reporter level 221 or 222).

LTC data collection

The supervised entity must report the LTC report to the Financial Supervisory Authority in accordance with the reporting map for the financial sector (reporter levels 201, 202, 210, 211, 221, 222; if the credit institution has branches abroad, the data is reported at levels 202 and 211, excluding branches abroad).

Regulations and guidelines 1/2014

Reporting map (financial sector) pdf

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  • Questions relating to Virati reporting:
  • Questions relating to the content of the R report:
  • Questions relating to the content of LTC and S reports: