News release 21 January 2015 – 1/2015

FIN-FSA completed investigation of 83 cases of suspected securities market abuse in 2014

The Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) completed investigation of 83 cases of suspected securities market abuse in 2014 (2013: 100). Out of these cases, 36 (47) were related to the abuse of insider information, 23 (28) to market manipulation, 18 (17) to the disclosure obligation under the Securities Markets Act and 6 (8) to other types of abuse.

FIN-FSA received from domestic and foreign investment service providers a total of 63 notifications of suspicious securities transactions or other suspected business operations (2013: 34). More than half of these notifications came from foreign service providers. The stock exchange made 27 (2013: 36) notifications.

Cross-border corporate transactions or related speculations typically increase the number of notifications, particularly from abroad. The higher number of notifications from service providers is also partly explained by improvements in service providers’ own control systems and a lower notification threshold for some market participants. A notification related to market abuse is not a request for investigation; it is notification of an exceptional transaction or matter noticed by a party under the notification obligation that may give grounds to suspect securities market abuse.

For further information, please contact

  • Jarmo Parkkonen, Head of Department, tel. +358 10 8315255
  • Sari Helminen, Head of Division, tel. +358 10 8315264
