Supervision release 1 July 2024 – 46/2024

Amendment to Regulations and guidelines 1/2011 Submission of electronic supervisory data of entities operating in the insurance markets

The FIN-FSA has made amendments concerning the submission of supervisory data to regulations and guidelines 1/2011 Submission of electronic supervisory data of entities operating in the insurance markets. These amendments are required by the adoption of the FIN-FSA's new reporting system for supervised entities’ financial position and risks and they concern the following national data collections, which will be transferred to the new reporting system in 2024:

Annual data submissions

  • VA Income statement and balance sheet
  • VB Notes to the financial statements
  • VE Technical provisions
  • VK Statement of life insurance company business
  • VL Inquiry for industry-wide pension funds and company pension funds
  • VM Insurance company and EEA insurance company branch statistics
  • VN Statistical survey of motor liability insurance
  • VP Survey of the result of the technical reserves of pension insurance companies 
  • KA Sickness funds’ income statement and balance sheet
  • KB Unemployment funds’ income statement and balance sheet
  • VQ Insurance broker reporting
  • VT Statistical Survey of Patient insurance

Half-yearly data submission

  • VO Pension insurance biannual information

Quarterly data submissions

  • VC Key indicators
  • VD Solvency
  • VF Technical provisions
  • VG Insurance company investments
  • VS Calculation of solvency limit and investment diversification

In addition, the amendment concerns the VJ data collection, which was already transferred to the new reporting system on 31 December 2023.

In addition to the changes required by the roll-out of the new reporting system, in this context, obsolete data items collected in VF, VN and VJ reporting (transferred to the new system already on 31 December 2023) have also been removed, and the structure of the data collections has been simplified. Due to amendments of the cover requirement applying to supplementary pension funds and foundations entering into force on 1 May 2024, minor technical changes are made to the VO data collection. The reporting instructions of the data collections have been amended accordingly. In addition, the reporting instructions of the VE04 template were clarified. The amendments are presented in more detail in the appendices.

Entry into force of the amendments to the regulations and guidelines

The regulations and guidelines will enter into force on 31 December 2024 with respect to data collections with an annual or half-yearly submission frequency and on 30 September with respect to quarterly data collections.

For further information, please contact

Newreportingsystem(at) (technical questions concerning reporting)
