Reporting releases
You can receive notifications of new releases by email by registering on the Reporting releases distribution list.
The Validation service and Reporter portal will have service breaks on week 39 | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Updated description of machine-language data transmission of XBRL format EBA ITS reports of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new reporting system has been published | EBA
Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | National reporting (Virati)
Invitation to Reporting Webinar | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Thursday 29th of August 2024 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The service break in the validation service of the new reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The validation service will be out of service on Tuesday 27th of August 2024 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
EBA updates supervisory reporting framework following the new capital requirements regulation (CRR3) | EBA
EBA’s DPM 3.5 to apply as from 31 December 2024 data | EBA
The service break in Reporter portal has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Tuesday 9th of July 2024 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The service break in the validation service of the new reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The Validation service will be out of service on Tuesday 18th of June 2024 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
ECB has published new EGDQ checks | EBA
The description of machine-language data transmission of CSV format reports (VIRATI and VAKRA) in national reporting updated | National reporting (Virati)
EBA’s DPM 3.4 to apply as from 30 September 2024 data | EBA
Recording and presentation of the FIN-FSA’s reporting webinar have been published | National reporting (Virati)
Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | National reporting (Virati)
Invitation to Reporting Webinar | National reporting (Virati)
Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | National reporting (Virati)
ECB Regulation on infringement procedures for non-compliance with statistical reporting requirements enters into force on 30 April 2024 | EIOPA
Recording and presentation of the FIN-FSA’s reporting webinar have been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Invitation to Reporting Webinar | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Wednesday 20th of December 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Schedule for the transfer of national data collections to the Financial Supervisory Authority's new reporting system has been published | National reporting (Virati)
The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Tuesday 19 December 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The service break in the validation service of the new reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Tuesday 12 December 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
EBA’s DPM 3.3 phase 3 published | EBA
RA data collection | National reporting (Virati)
ECB has published new EGDQ checks | EBA
Credit institutions’ branches operating in Finland must submit management letters related to the ECB’s supervisory fees to the FIN-FSA by 13th of November 2023 | EBA
Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | ESMA
Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA National reporting (Virati)
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 2nd of October 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Invitation to Reporting Webinar | ESMA
Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
The service break in the validation service of the new reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA, EIOPA, National reporting (Virati)
The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Monday 18 September 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
EBA published Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) on interest rate risk in the banking book (IRRBB) reporting – DPM 3.4 to be adopted for 30 September 2024 data
Results of user survey on the Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
Changes to RA data collection| National reporting (Virati)
EBA validation rules updated | EBA
Reporting of EBA remuneration data
EBA’s DPM 3.3 to apply as from 31 December 2023 data | EBA
The service break in the reporter portal of the reporting system of the Financial Supervisory Authority has ended | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
The service break in the Financial Supervisory Authority's Validation service has ended | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Tuesday 20th of June 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
The Validation service will be out of service on Monday 19 June 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 12th of June 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
Reminder for reporters to fill in contact details in the Reporter Portal | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
Draft version FICOD 2.8.1 of the taxonomy and DPM for reporting financial conglomerates’ risk concentrations and intra-group transactions has been published | EIOPA EBA
The validation service will be out of service on Thursday 8th of June 2023 starting at 3:00 p.m. | EBA EIOPA Virati
The Reporter portal and validation service will be out of service on Tuesday 6th of June 2023 starting at 2:00 p.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
Survey on Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System for reporters - The response time has been extended until May 5, 2023 | EBA EIOPA Virati
ECB has published new EGDQ checks | EBA
EBA Guidelines on resubmission of historical data out for comments
Invitation to Reporting Webinar | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
Survey on Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System for reporters | EBA EIOPA Virati
EBA validation rules updated
Data collections and discussion functionality have been added to the Reporter Portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 3th of April 2023 starting at 7:30 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
Data collections have been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | VIRATI
The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Monday 27 March 20223 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA EIOPA National reporting (Virati)
Release schedule of the taxonomy and DPM for the reporting of financial conglomerates’ risk concentrations and intra-group transactions | EIOPA EBA
Credit institutions’ interest rate risk (IRRBB) reporting out for consultation | EBA
Solvency II Taxonomy version and DPM 2.8.0 release schedule | EIOPA
Commission Implementing Regulation on the supervisory reporting of risk concentrations and intra-group transactions of financial conglomerates | EIOPA, EBA
Presentation of the FIN-FSA’s Reporting System Reform has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
EBA validation rules updated | EBA
Data collections have been added to the Reporter Portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA
Invitation to the introduction of the Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting portal | EBA
Data collections have been added to the Reporter Portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EIOPA
Data collection has been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EBA
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 19th of December 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA
Data collection has been added to the Validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority Reporting System | EIOPA EBA
The Validation service for reporting will be out of service on Tuesday 13 December 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA
Updated workbooks and instructions for the RA data collection published | National reporting (Virati)
ECB has published new EGDQ checks | EBA
Presentation of the FIN-FSA’s Reporting System Reform has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Invitation to the introduction of the Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting portal | EBA
EBA validation rules updated | EBA
Credit institutions’ branches operating in Finland must submit management letters related to the ECB’s supervisory fees to the FIN-FSA by 11 November 2022 I EBA
Data collections have been added to the Reporter portal of the new Financial Supervisory Authority reporting system | EBA
The Reporter portal will be out of service on Monday 10 October 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA
Error in the validation service log in has been fixed | EBA
EBA published amended Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – DPM 3.2 delays partially | EBA
Error in the Validation service log in | EBA
Data collection has been added to the validation service of the new Financial Supervisory Authority reporting system | EBA
The validation service will be out of service on Friday 16 September 2022 starting at 8:00 a.m. | EBA
Signature certificates updated in reporting encryption software and CSV-format reporting applications | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Pension Funds Taxonomy version 2.7.0 | EIOPA
Recording of the presentation about the FIN-FSA’s Reporter portal has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Solvency II Taxonomy version 2.7.0 for life and non-life insurance companies | EIOPA
Invitation to the introduction of the Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting portal | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
Reporter Portal of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System has been opened | EBA
Changes to RA data collection | National reporting (Virati)
Validation Service of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new Reporting System has been opened | EBA
Updated description of machine-language data transmission of XBRL format reports (EBA and EIOPA) of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new reporting system has been published | EBA EIOPA
Description of machine-language data transmission in the national reporting (Virati and Vakra) of the Financial Supervision Authority’s new Reporting System has been published | Virati
Invitation to a presentation on the reform of the FIN-FSA’s reporting system | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
EBA published amended Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – DPM 3.2, applicable for data as of 31 December 2022
Solvency II DPM and Taxonomy 2.7.0 and 2.8.0 Public Working Draft versions are available for feedback | EIOPA
Instructions for e-Authorizations service published for reporters | EBA
Proposed ITS amendments on Solvency II reporting and disclosure requirements for non-life and life insurance undertakings submitted to the Commission | EIOPA
New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA
Updated data collection applications and workbooks for R, S and LTC data collections published | National reporting (Virati)
Description of machine-language data transmission of XBRL format reports (EBA and EIOPA) of Financial Supervisory Authority’s new reporting system has been published | EBA EIOPA
Development of the FIN-FSA Reporting Application has ended | EBA EIOPA ESMA
Reporting release
New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA
Reporting release
New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EIOPA
Reporting release
Updated workbooks and instructions for the RA data collection published | National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
Pension Funds Taxonomy version and Hotfix 2.6.0 | EIOPA
Reporting release
Management letters of credit institutions’ branches operating in Finland must be submitted to the FIN-FSA by 11 November 2021 I EBA
Reporting release
Questions and answers on the Reporting System Reform | EBA EIOPA ESMA National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
Reporting of IF 30.9.2021 for CLASS2 investment firms | EBA
Reporting release
New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA ESMA
Reporting release
Solvency II Taxonomy version and Hotfix 2.6.0 for life and non-life insurance companies | EIOPA
Reporting release
EBA DPM 3.1 version testable with demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application and reporting test environment | EBA
Reporting release
Presentation of the FIN-FSA’s Reporting System Reform has been published | EBA EIOPA ESMA Virati
Reporting release
Invitation to a presentation on the reform of the FIN-FSA’s reporting system | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
Invitation to a presentation on the reform of the FIN-FSA’s report-ing system | EBA EIOPA ESMA National Reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
The RA data collection will also be updated to cover virtual currency providers and non-life insurance companies | National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA
Reporting release
EBA has issued an updated list of validation rules | EBA
Reporting release
New workbooks for investment firms available for download from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
EBA has issued a revised DPM 3.0 version and an updated list of validation rules | EBA
Reporting release
Reform of the Reporting System
Reporting release
EBA to organise workshop on improving reporting practices and data quality, 29 June 2021 | EBA
Reporting release
COREP OF template C 15.00 will change to be reported annually as of 30 June 2021 | EBA
Reporting release
Reporting for fund companies and managers of alternative investment funds will change from 30 June 2021 | EBA
Reporting release
Reporting for investment firms will change from 30 June 2021 | EBA National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service
Reporting release
Signature certificates updated in reporting encryption software and CSV-format reporting applications | EBA, EIOPA, ESMA, National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
EBA DPM 3.0 version testable with demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application and reporting test environment
Reporting release
Reports of data collections concerning remuneration can be reported to FIN-FSA
Reporting release
Solvency II validations have been updated for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
Reporting release
Amended EBA Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – phase 2 of DPM version 3.0 published | EBA
Reporting release
EBA has issued updated validation rules package | EBA
Reporting release
Amended EBA Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) applying to credit institutions – DPM 3.0 into use as from 30 June 2021 data | EBA
Reporting release
New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
Reporting release
Solvency II validations have been updated for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
Reporting release
EBA has issued updated validation rules package | EBA
Reporting release
Solvency II validations have been updated for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
Reporting release
New FIN-FSA Reporting Application and EBA, EIOPA and AIFMD workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
Reporting release
Updated workbooks and instructions for the RA data collection published | National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
Fee factors used in determining credit institutions’ ECB supervisory fees must be reported to the Financial Supervisory Authority by 11 November 2020 I EBA
Reporting release
Extra validation rules in reporting workbooks | EBA
Reporting release
Covid 19 workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA
Reporting release
Secure email
Reporting release
Reporting test environment for use by reporters
Reporting release
Reform of the Reporting System
Reporting release
EBA launched a Cost of Compliance questionnaire addressed to all European banks | EBA
Reporting release
Invitation to Reporting Webinar
Reporting release
EIOPA has released Solvency II Taxonomy version 2.5.0 for life and non-life insurance companies | EIOPA
Reporting release
EBA has published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) for credit institutions – Covid19-demo workbooks have published | EBA
Reporting release
Solvency II validations have been changed for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
Reporting release
EBA has issued updated validation rules package, implementation of automatic control of reporting obligations at the template level, and DPM 2.9 FINREP workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA
Reporting release
Changes to the reporting of fee factors used in the determination of credit institutions’ ECB supervisory fees | EBA
Reporting release
Solvency II DPM 2.4.0 validations have been updated for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
Reporting release
EBA has published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) for credit institutions – DPM 2.10 will be adopted gradually | EBA
Reporting release
Solvency II DPM 2.4.0 validations have been temporarily changed for life and non-life insurance reporting | EIOPA
Reporting release
Reporting schedules for credit institutions: change to leeway | EBA National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
Additional time for reporting by investment firms, fund management companies and AIF Managers | EBA National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
Additional time for reporting by credit institutions | EBA National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
Extension of time for reporting by non-life and life insurance companies | EIOPA
Reporting release
An updated scope table for FINREP reporting has been published | EBA
Reporting release
EBA has issued updated validation rules package | EBA
Reporting release
Reporting of fraud data related to payment services – updated MF workbook available | National reporting (Virati)
Reporting release
Effect of Brexit on EBA/ITS reporting | EBA
Reporting release
EBA have issued updated taxonomy and validation rules package (DPM | EBA
Reporting release
Solvency II DPM 2.4.0 for life and non-life insurance companies and Pension Funds DPM 2.3.0 validations have been updated to the newest version | EIOPA
Reporting release
EIOPA has published an updated list of validation rules and a List of known issues document | EIOPA
EBA issues revised list of ITS credit institutions validation rules | EBA
New demo workbooks of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA
Updated encryption software for CSV-based reporting applications available for download in the Jakelu distribution service | National reporting (Virati)
New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
The European Central Bank has published an updated version of the EGDQ checks for credit institutions' ITS (FINREP, COREP) reporting | EBA
Updated workbooks and instructions for the RA data collection published | National reporting (Virati)
EBA updated XBRL taxonomy 2.9 (DPM 2.9.1) | EBA
New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks for Pension Fund downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EIOPA
EBA issues revised list of ITS credit institutions validation rules | EBA
Demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
EBA published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) applying to credit institutions concerning FINREP and SBP data collections – DPM 2.9 to be adopted | EBA
EIOPA has released Solvency II Taxonomy version 2.4.0 for life and non-life insurance companies | EIOPA
The FIN-FSA has specified the technical guidance on the reporting of settlement internalisation | ESMA
EBA has published an amended implementing technical standard (ITS) for credit institutions concerning COREP data collections – DPM 2.9 to be adopted gradually | EBA
Invitation to a webinar on reporting
Questionnaire on the use of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Applications
DPM and Taxonomy 2.4.0 Public Working Draft released and available for comments | EIOPA
Checks related to the acceptable time frame for supervisory reporting implemented in the FIN-FSA’s production environment
Fee factors used for the calculation of the annual supervisory fees levied by the ECB on credit institutions to be reported to FIN-FSA by 1 July 2019 | EBA
New data quality checks are tested in the testing environment during weeks 19–21
New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks for Pension Fund downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EIOPA
New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
EBA DPM 2.8 - Errors in validation feedbacks | EBA
FIN-FSA's reporting system overloaded
Observations on annual Solvency II reporting | EIOPA
New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks for COREP OF, FINREP9 and Solvency II downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA
EBA DPM and EIOPA DPM 2.3.0 have been added to FIN-FSA's test environment I EBA EIOPA
New VM and VE workbooks for insurance sector downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | National reporting (Virati)
New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
Reporting application and Excel workbooks for reporting of risks and controls concerning anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | National reporting (Virati)
The new address of Jakelu Distribution Service came into force on 15th December 2018
EBA issues revised list of ITS credit institutions validation rules | EBA
New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA
EBA DPM 2.7 – Errors in validation feedbacks | EBA
Errors in EBA DPM 2.7 FINREP data collection templates | EBA
Reporting of loans collateralized by commercial immovable property in FINREP reporting | EBA
Automatic feedback on validation errors implemented in the FIN-FSA’s production environment
System update causes delay in reporting reception
New VG workbooks in Jakelu distribution service | National reporting (Virati)
Demo versions of FIN-FSA Reporting Application’s workbooks published in Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA
New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
Automatic feedback on validation errors implemented in the FIN-FSA’s testing environment
EBA issues revised list of ITS credit institutions validation rules | EBA
JakeluHelpdesk email address has been removed
EBA launches consultations to credit institutions on supervisory reporting for the reporting framework 2.9 (DPM 2.9) (COREP, FINREP, LCR) | EBA
EBA updated XBRL taxonomy 2.8 (DPM | EBA
A testing environment for reporting purposes set up for reporters
Solvency II Data Point Model and Taxonomy 2.3.0 have been released | EIOPA
Update of CSV-based reporting applications and encryption used in Jakelu distribution service | National reporting (Virati)
New version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
Reporting application and workbooks, updated with the amendments to the credit risk report S (State of the Banking System), are now available for download in the Jakelu Distribution Service | National reporting
EBA issues revised list of ITS validation rules | EBA
DPM 2.3.0 Public Working Draft released and available for comments | EIOPA
Fee factors used for the calculation of the annual supervisory fees levied by the ECB on credit institutions to be reported to FIN-FSA by 2 July 2018 | EBA
Investment firms, fund management companies and AIFM companies - Reporting of Group support starting 31 March 2018 | EBA
EBA published amendments to the Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) on supervisory reporting for credit institutions – DPM 2.8, applicable for data as of 31 December 2018 | EBA
EBA DPM version has problematic validation rules | EBA
Reporting application and Excel workbooks for reporting of 15% minimum risk weight on residential mortgage loans (RWF) downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | National reporting (Virati)
New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
S-report´s (State of the banking system) references partly outdated | National reporting (Virati)
Errors in EBA DPM 2.7 COREP ALM data collection templates | EBA
Changes in FINREP reporting for Investment firms, Fund management companies and AIFM companies starting 31 March 2018 | EBA
FINREP reporting tables have been updated | EBA
New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA
Liquidity risk reporting (M report) to end | National reporting (Virati)
Life and Non-life Insurance Companies | New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EIOPA
European Commission issues Implementing Technical Standard (ITS) – EBA Reporting framework 2.7 (DPM for application as of 31 March 2018 | EBA
New FIN-FSA Reporting Application workbooks downloadable from the Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application (AIFMD, Solvency II, AE, COREP, FINREP, FP, SBP) downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
Revisions to reporting applications for the insurance sector and update of signature certificates for CSV-based reporting applications | National reporting (Virati)
Supervisory reporting conference 2017: esitykset julkaistu | EBA
New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA
On the problematic situations evident in EBA DPM 2.6 version validation rules | EBA
Changes in FINREP reporting for Investment firms, Fund management companies, and AIFM companies starting 31 March 2018 | EBA
New demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA
Demo version of FIN-FSA Reporting Application published in Jakelu distribution service | EBA EIOPA
New version of FIN-FSA’s Reporting Application (AIFMD, Solvency II, AE, COREP, FINREP, FP, SBP) downloadable from Jakelu Distribution Service | EBA EIOPA ESMA
EGDQ checks with regard to credit institutions (EBA ITS reporting) | EBA
EBA issued revised list of ITS validation rules on 11 September 2017 | EBA
Revision of communication and contact procedures relating to Financial Supervisory Authority's reporting